Thursday 23 January 2020

Creative Happy birthday cousin Quotes And Messages

Creative Happy birthday cousin Quotes And MessagesRelated image

  1. Every birthday is a new page in your book of life. Make sure to fill your pages with generosity, kindness, and love. You should start with generosity, and share that delicious cake with your favorite cousin!
  2. You are more adored than you could possibly realize. I hope that on your birthday you receive enough love to last a lifetime cousin. You can start with mine. Happy Birthday, Cousin!
  3. Family is connected not just by blood but by heart. Even distance and time cannot break apart our bond. I love your cousin and always will no matter what we go through. Have a wonderful Happy Birthday Cousin.
  4. You mean the absolute world to me, because you are the type of person who gives so unselfishly. I hope to be even half the person you are one day. Happy birthday!
  5. I hope that this year you wake up with a smile on your face every single day. At least I know you will tomorrow because I got you the best birthday gift ever. Cake. Happy birthday, cousin!
  6. You may not say it often cousin, but I know that deep down you totally care for me. Deep, deep, deep down where you can barely see it. I feel the same about you, and I hope your birthday is truly spectacular.
  7. I am so deeply blessed to have a cousin like you: fun, fearless, and little flighty. You bring endless joy into my life. I hope you get tons of presents, cake, and love on your birthday.
  8. You are the kind of person whose impact on this world will leave lasting impressions. I can tell because you’ve already impacted my life for the better in so many ways. May all the good you’ve done return to you two-fold this year cousin.
  9. Friendships come and go, but family is for life. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and sometimes that’s a bad thing. One thing is for certain, though, having a cousin as wonderful as you have brought nothing but joy into my life.
  10. You mean more to me than you will ever know. Even though I don’t say it often enough I hope my actions convey my feelings loud and clear: I have nothing but love and respect for your cousin.
  11. You are truly a blessing for all of us! You make our life brighter, fill it with happiness and joy. Your birthday is another occasion to tell you that we love you infinitely.
  12. Cousins are meant to be the best part of the family. I am honored to have such an amazing cousin as you. Happy Birthday, Cousin.
  13. My dear cousin, today marks a new chapter in your life. I wish you to stay as optimistic and cheerful as you are now and discover new facets of this world. Happy Birthday!
  14. Dear cousin blessed the day when you’ve come to this Earth. You made this world a better place to live in. Have a stunning birthday, love you!
  15. Even though you are my cousin, I feel more like you are a sibling to me! We have always been able to tell each other everything and be there for each other. You have always reminded me of how important family really is! As you celebrate your birthday, I can only hope that I have been able to do the same things for you!
  16. A cousin like you is one of the best gifts I have received in my entire life. Thank you for being an inspiration. May you have a fantastic birthday celebration and may you continue to inspire more people.
  17. You are truly a blessing to us! We are happy every day to have you as our cousin. Happy birthday and always remember that we love you forever.
  18. Happy Birthday. For my sweet cousin, You are all kinds of wonderful. I’m wishing you the most scrumptious and delightful birthday ever!
  19. Happy Birthday. Happiness is having you for my family. Cousins are like sisters and best friends all rolled up into one! Have a beautiful day.
  20. Happy Birthday. To my Cousin, I’m wishing you all the best today and in the year ahead. Take some time to spoil yourself today! (And eat an extra slice of cake for me!)

Funny Birthday Wishes to your Cousin

  1. On this day, cousin, I know that you have questions. Like, where is the Icyhot? Is my social security going to kick in? Here’s hoping those questions are answered! Happy Birthday!
  2. Cousins and best friends are the best presents we receive in life. I am doubly fortunate to have you as my cousin and my best friend. Happy Birthday Cousin!
  3. Happy Birthday to my dear cousin! You can’t fool me! I know how old you really are!
  4. You are the first friend I’ve had since my childhood because no one else understands my crazy family better than you do. Happy Birthday!
  5. On your birthday, cousin, people will tell you not to worry; that you should be carefree. Those people are wrong! At your age, you really should worry and care a lot! It’s time to panic!
  6. I love how many crazy memories we create together and the fact that you get older shouldn’t prevent us from creating them at least in the next thirty years. Happy Bday.
  7. Today is your birthday, cousin! The day that time originally started! Congratulations on being at the beginning of things!
  8. Happy birthday, cousin! Given all of the secrets we have kept from our childhood, we should have won a few Emmy Awards by now.
  9. Wishing you a day of light traffic, good parking spaces, and co-workers who actually do their job. It sure was worth fighting to get that manager job, huh? Happy birthday, cousin!
  10. A cousin a day keeps the boredom away. Thanks for making me laugh and smile every single day. Happy bday!

Happy Birthday Quotes for Beautiful Cousin

  1. You’re like a sister and best friend, sometimes mother and moral police, but most of the time devil’s advocate. It’s fun unwrapping your different personalities because they always keep me on my toes. May this birthday be another unforgettable one, as is always the case with you. I love you, cousin. Happy birthday, cousin!
  2. I have always wanted a sister and a forever best friend. I’m so glad that I got both from you. Happy, happy birthday, my dear cousin!
  3. Had we not been born in the same family, I’m convinced that we will still find each other no matter what. That’s just how it is with kindred spirits. Happy birthday, gorgeous!
  4. Not everyone can say that they have an amazing cousin. Thankfully, I can! Happy birthday to you, my incredible cousin. I hope you have the best day!
  5. I’m a firm believer that when life doesn’t give you siblings or great friends, it gives you wonderful cousins, instead. Happy birthday to my favorite cousin.
  6. I always look forward to our weekly coffee dates and movie marathons. You understand my love-hate relationship with exercise and my weird obsession with anything from the ‘90s. You don’t judge, you just love. Happy birthday, cousin. Party soon!
  7. Being an only child isn’t as lonely because I have a cousin as crazy, funny, and brilliant as you. May all your dreams come true, my dear cousin. The world is your stage, and I cannot wait to see you take it by storm. Happy birthday, cousin!
  8. We’re closer than siblings can be, except we don’t fight that often and you don’t steal clothes from my closet. Nonetheless, we are thick as thieves. I’m totally okay with it if you are. Happy birthday, cousin!
  9. It never really occurred to our parents to give us siblings because they kind of knew that we will hit it off instantly. I’m so glad they’re right. Happy birthday to my favorite cousin!
  10. I know that you will always have my back no matter what mess I put myself into. You will readily bail me out of trouble with no questions asked, but with a hell of a lot of scolding. I love you, cousin. Have a happy birthday cousin!